



The day when the “Kurage ga kumo ni naruhi” is the location for this plan’s photo shoot. This location, an old mansion in Kanazawa, has given us special permission to photograph only for this plan. It is a wonderful place where craft and art, old and new, coexist.

We would like to introduce some of the historically valuable items and artists’ works, though only a small part of them.


This building on the day when the sea moon becomes a cloud was built in the middle of the Meiji period (1868-1912). The earthen wall in front remains as it was in the late Edo period.



Lighting inside the store

The round lights are named after the name of the store and are installed to resemble a floating sea moon.


The modern butsudan door is the work of dyeing artist Narumi Sakano.


The glass of the sliding door is from the Edo period. It is a valuable glass that is no longer available today.

FREY Design製のベンチとサイドテーブルが新たに置かれました。

A new bench and side table made by “FREY Design” have been placed.

室内のガラス戸障子も FREY Design製のもの

The interior glass doors and sliding screens are also made by FREY Design.


At the entrance of the store is a large demon tile. Underneath it hangs a talisman. The entrance to the store is in the direction of the demon’s gate, so it is said that this is to ward off the demon.


In addition, there are many other quaint spots such as the front door, a lattice door, and a passageway.